Polpette di Halloween che delizia! Tasty pumpkin meatballs!

Polpette di zucca Iniziamo con le ricette di Halloween (ma si possono benissimo mangiare tutto l’anno!). Halloween (in inglese All Hallows’ Eve Day,  contratto poi in Halloween)  è una festività americana ma per trovare le sue origini bisogna addirittura andare nell’Europa precristiana ed in particolare a cercare tra le tradizioni celtiche. Per quelle popolazioni infatti l’anno nuovo iniziava il…

Breakfast different!

 Un’alternativa senza lattosio per la prima colazione! Le giornate dovrebbero iniziare con un abbraccio, un bacio, una carezza e un caffè. Perché la colazione deve essere abbondante. (Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts) Salve a tutti, o meglio buongiorno visto che parleremo di prima colazione! Quando si pensa alla prima colazione la prima cosa che viene in mente è…

Risotto mushrooms and blueberries – Risotto porcini e mirtilli

Risotto with mushrooms and blueberries The risotto should be eaten freshly cooked. (Proverb) Ingredients: 300 g of rice, mushrooms porcini, 1 slice of garlic, 200/300 g of blueberries, vegetable soup (cooks by you without use of stoke cubes if it’s possible, it’s very easy, I insert here the recipe), a bottom of a white wine’s glass, a…

Vegetable soup – Brodo vegetale (gluten and lactose free)

Vegetable soup. Do you think that the stock cube is the only efficient and fast alternative to make a good  vegetable soup? Well, if you think that, you’re wrong! In spite of the very discussed glutamate, I prepare the vegetable soup simply putting some water in a pot with a carrot, a stem of celery,…

Chickpeas Falafel gluten free-Falafel di ceci senza glutine

 Chickpeas Falafel Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. (Anthelme Brillat-Savarin) Falafel is a typical dish of oriental cuisine, adopted by the Western world as a vegan and vegetarian dish, containing chickpeas which have a good quantity of proteins. So that my father could eat them, very skeptical with new dishes, I…

Nickel Intolerance (intolleranza al Nichel)

Nichel intolerance For many people probably, this is a little-known form of food sensitivity (the most famous is the contact allergy) but unfortunately, nowadays cases of intolerance to the Nickel are multiplying! The hypersensitivity to this element, as well as allergy, is a real problem because Nickel is present almost anywhere and  people who cannot wear jewelry, put…

Paella: molto più di un piatto!

   Paella: much more than a plate! Who went to Spain, has surely heard about the famous Paella! Yes, because Spanish Paella is the equivalent of Italian spaghetti with tomato: it’s an emblem, like sangria or bulls. While I was there, I understood the importance of Paella for Spanish people. From a culinary point of view, Paella…

A light dinner: Chicken curry with green peppers

Sliced chicken curry with green peppers Today I wanted to have a light dinner based on vegetables and proteins … and here that popped the idea of cooking the chicken, an important source of proteins with one of my favorite spice, curry, which brings me back in the world of oriental flavors. Then, I wanted…

A special summer salad gluten-free

Complete, balanced and fast summer salad Waiting to see the Spain-Italy match of the European Football Championship, today I prepared a very light and gluten-free lunch. A single dish, full of vegetables, proteins and carbohydrate, perfect for gluten intolerant people. This is a quick, simple and very colorful recipe to eat especially in summer days, alone, with friends or…

Liebster Aword, Thanks :)

Thanks to Chiarachiarissima  for the award nomination! Liebster award was born in Germany to give visibility to the best new blogs (with less of 200 followers). Which rules? Say thanks to the blog that nominated you; Replay to questions; Make 10 new questions for other blogs; Make new nomination among blogs that you prefer; Warn this blogs…

Cuttlefish plant with lemon! Pianta di seppie con limone!

Cuttlefish plant with lemon Today we have a very fast and refined recipe! Fish is a good source of proteins and above all an important source of essential fatty acids, like Omega-3 ones (EPA and DHA); Omega-3 fatty acids are important for human health ´cause they promote the reduction of “bad cholesterol” (LDL), so they…